
“No Other Mammal Moves Around Like We Do” - Svante Pääbo

Restless Genes

   Today I noticed this article Restless Genes (Dobbs, 2013) on the National Geographic website and it really got me thinking. The article suggests that humans are wired to seek exploration and subsequent discovery all due to the DRD4-7R gene that is carried by ~20% of all humans and is associated with learning and reward and curiosity and restlessness.

   "Dozens of human studies have found that 7R makes people more likely to take risks; explore new places, ideas, foods, relationships, drugs, or sexual opportunities; and generally embrace movement, change, and adventure. Studies in animals simulating 7R’s actions suggest it increases their taste for both movement and novelty" Dobbs (2013).

   Several papers referenced in the article suggest that this gene may lay the foundation for human exploration and may be more commonly associated with modern day human populations whose ancestors migrated furthest away from their source in Africa.
However, there is also some speculation as to how important one gene can be in hard-wiring us for exploration, other published studies suggest that the 7R gene may only be one of many genes that contribute to the Homo sapien's ability and drive to migrate and colonise new areas.

   All this got me thinking about me and a few friends of mine that have a serious thirst for travel, to a point where we would quite happily drop everything at any time to travel somewhere new and live out of a backpack in the hope that we might find true paradise.

   Compare this to some of my other friends - who can't go on holiday or even travel to somewhere new in the UK without wishing they were back home surrounded by familiar comforts - and we have an interesting theory.

   I've never been able to understand how some of the people in my life can be so against travelling, even when it is just to somewhere nearby. But this article has made me consider that genetics along with some environmental factors might be the prime cause of this.

   Perhaps it's just being wired differently that's the cause of my thirst to travel, but I'm not going to give up on anyone unwilling to go travelling just yet ;) So here's 10 inspiring photos of places I want to see before I die...

(1) The Blue Hole, Belize - I would kill to get the chance to SCUBA dive this, who knows what I might find!

(2) The Northern Lights, Iceland - Aah the Aurora Borealis...

(3) Ayers Rock (Uluru), Western Australia - The largest monolith in the world, the Aborigines also claim you become cursed if you climb it!

(4) The Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland - Formed by a flood basalt eruption I do believe, should be visiting this one in the summer.

(5) The Sphinx and Pyramids, Egypt - Early human civilisation at its most fascinating.

(6) The Inca trail and Machu Picchu, Peru - Back in 2011 I had to choose between Australia/Fiji or Costa Rica/Machu Picchu, it was a tough decision and I'd still love to go and see this! (I liked the Llama).

(7) Ko Tapu Island, Thailand - I've been dreaming of a trip to Thailand for a good 12 months now, costs a bomb to get out there but the living costs are pretty cheap! Oh and the scenery is stunning of course!

(8) The Great Wall, China - Yes I am your typical tourist who wishes to ride a bike along the Great Wall of China.... (why not).

(9) The Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco CA - Not only would I love to go to California but a trip across the Golden Gate Bridge would definitely keep the bucket list at bay for a while!

(10) Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania - Climbing to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro would definitely be worth the struggle for the amazing views at the top. They also say climbing the mountain heals you of all illnesses/ailments, I imagine it would also give me a few more.

Get moving you restless humans!

Disclaimer: I do not claim to own the rights to any of the images used in this blog post.

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